Managing Asthma

Anyone can get asthma at any stage of their life. When asthma isn’t looked after, it can be serious and life threatening. But the good news is, asthma can be managed and your symptoms controlled so you can live your life well. Some people have asthma symptoms all the time, and some only sometimes; everyone is different.

Asthma Action Plan

After being diagnosed with asthma, your doctor will work out how asthma impacts your life and make an asthma action plan for you. The plan helps you understand your asthma and what you need to do to stop symptoms from getting worse, including triggers to avoid, when to take your medications, and when to call 000 for help. After you get your asthma plan, your doctor will give you some medicines to help your breathing. The doses of these medications depend on your age and how severe your symptoms are.

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